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Discussing an ADHD Diagnosis: Seeking Potential Workplace Accommodations

woman speaking to supervisor at work

Many women with ADHD experience obstacles in their workplace (Schreuer & Dorot, 2017). Factors such as inattentiveness, late diagnosis or treatment, or societal expectations for women, may contribute to difficulties in managing job demands (Arnold et al., 2010). Seeking out accommodations at work may help women with ADHD to reduce the impact of their symptoms on their job performance and support their success. 

Establishing Strategies at Work Independently

A qualitative study interviewed working women with ADHD about personal strategies and environmental accommodations that they found to be most frequently used (Schreuer & Dorot, 2017). Examples included:

  • Incorporating more frequent breaks into their schedules
  • Utilizing time management tools/aids
  • Prioritizing working in a quiet and non-distracting environment
  • Asking for support from colleagues on tasks as needed

Other supports, such as job training, timers, printed work procedures, planners, and frequent performance reviews may also be useful for anyone with ADHD (Fellman, 2020). However, it is most important to understand one’s own workplace needs before implementing or requesting accommodations (Fellman, 2020; Richard-Craven; ADDA Editorial Team, 2023). To help identify one’s executive skills strengths and challenges that may impact workplace performance and create a plan to address them, Dawson and Guare’s (2016) book contains worksheets and questionnaires in Chapter 5, “Executive Skills in the Workplace.” 

Requesting Formal Workplace Accommodations 

Depending on the workplace demands, some strategies can be implemented individually as personal tools or strategies (as discussed above). However, if these independently implemented strategies are not sufficient, it may be necessary to discuss with a supervisor or employer the possibility of implementing formal workplace accommodations. Experts recommend using a strengths-based approach during this discussion (Fellman, 2020; ADDA Editorial Team, 2023; Workplace Issues, n.d.). Specifically, when discussing potential formal accommodations with an employer, frame the request as something that would help you perform better in your role rather than as something that solely helps solve a performance deficit. It is also important to make this request as concise and specific as possible, as this may increase the likelihood of having your request considered (Fellman, 2020; ADDA Editorial Team, 2023). 

Here is an example of something that could be said to a boss utilizing these techniques: 

“I do my best work when I have a structured schedule. Using Todoist (ADDitude Editors, 2022) would allow me to finish my projects quicker and more efficiently.” 

It is also important to consider whether to use a formal disclosure process (Fellman, 2020). The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) comes with specific protections for individuals with ADHD in the workplace, such as protections from discrimination and the right to receive workplace accommodations that are necessary for completing one’s job (Yellin, 2024). However, to be protected under the ADA, one must do the following: 1) disclose their ADHD diagnosis to their employer; 2) provide formal documentation of a diagnosis; and 3) be employed at a company with more than 15 employees (Fellman, 2020). While many experts suggest starting with a strengths-based approach that does not formally disclose an ADHD diagnosis (Fellman, 2020; ADDA Editorial Team, 2023; Workplace Issues, n.d.), the formal disclosure process grants you the fundamental right to receive accommodations under the law (Yellin, 2024).

Steps to Follow When Seeking Accommodations at Work: 

For individuals looking to discuss their ADHD diagnosis in the workplace, a three-step process should be employed: 

  • Perform a self-evaluation and workplace evaluation to determine your needs (Fellman, 2020; ADDA Editorial Team, 2023; Richard-Craven, 2023; Schreuer & Dorot, 2017) 
  • Implement your own personal strategies before formally asking for workplace accommodations (Fellman, 2020; ADDA Editorial Team, 2023; Richard-Craven, 2023; Workplace Issues, n.d.; Schreuer & Dorot, 2017)
    • Since points 1 and 2 may be hard for individuals with ADHD, think about hiring a mental health provider to help you with this process of self-evaluation, goal setting, and implementation (Guare et al., 2013) 
  • If steps 1 and 2 do not yield the desired result, utilize a strengths-based approach or a formal disclosure process to request workplace accommodations from your supervisor (does anyone say “boss”?) (Fellman, 2020; ADDA Editorial Team, 2023; Workplace Issues, n.d.) 

While these general recommendations are based on expert opinion, experts also point out that mental health stigma and poor knowledge about ADHD among employers should be considered in any approach. In addition, evidence concerning the efficacy of specific accommodations for individuals with ADHD is limited. As such, more research is needed on workplace accommodations specific to women with ADHD and the resulting outcomes before firm, evidence-based suggestions on disclosure processes and specific accommodations can be provided. In the meantime, if you would like more information on ADHD in the workplace, check out our YouTube series or this ADDitude webinar

Dr. Maggie Sweitzer, Ph.D. and Dr. Maura DeVito, Ph.D edited and researched this post.


ADDA Editorial Team. (2023, July 21). Should I Disclose My ADHD?. ADDA.

ADDitude Editors. (2022, July 9). 23 Productivity Apps for ADHD Brains. ADDitude.

Arnold, B., Easteal, P., Easteal, S., & Rice, S. (2010). It just doesn’t add up: ADHD/ADD, the workplace and discrimination, Melbourne University Law Review, 34(1), 359-391.

Chase, C. (2024, August 1). “Workplace Strategies for Professionals with ADHD” [Video Replay & Podcast #514]. ADDitude.

Dawson, P., & Guare, R. (2016). The smart but scattered guide to success: How to use your brain’s executive skills to keep up, stay calm, and get organized at work and at home. Guilford Publications.

Fellman, W. (2020, October 1). Should You Tell Your Boss About Your ADHD? ADDitude.

Guare, R., Dawson, P., & Guare, C. (2013). Smart but Scattered Teens: The “Executive Skills” Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential. Guilford Press.

(n.d.). Workplace Issues. CHADD.

Richard-Craven, M. (2023, August 11). How To Tell Your Boss You Have ADHD. Forbes.

Schreuer, N., & Dorot, R. (2017). Experiences of employed women with attention deficit hyperactive disorder: A phenomenological study. Work, 56(3), 429-441.

Yellin, S. (2024, May 21). Your Rights to ADHD Accommodations at Work. ADDitude.