Who We Are
Answering a Critical Need
To date, limited resources have been devoted to the scientific study and treatment of ADHD specifically in girls and women. Now, a private grant will allow the Duke Center for Girls & Women with ADHD to:
Provide educational resources that reflect the most up-to-date research about girls and women living with ADHD.
Engage with the community to promote awareness and understanding about the unique needs of girls and women with ADHD.
Undertake innovative research to optimize the well-being of girls and women with ADHD.
Our Vision
To enable every person with ADHD who identifies as female – as well as their families, providers and communities – to better understand the unique needs of girls and women with ADHD, thereby allowing individuals to seek and receive appropriate treatment, find supportive communities, and reach their full potential.
Our Mission
To advance education among patients, families, clinicians, educators and the public about the unique needs of girls and women with ADHD across the lifespan. By disseminating evidence-based information, partnering with community organizations, and conducting innovative research, the center aims to directly impact and enhance the lives of girls and women living with ADHD.
Our Funding
Initial funding for the Center is provided through a private donor who believes that scientific research and greater outreach is needed to educate and develop ADHD treatments that take into account the unique needs and experiences of girls and women living with ADHD.